Paints and varnishes
All types of water-based paints including those with a sanitising and whitening action, enamel paints, varnishes, wood primers and rustproofing treatments for iron, to add colour, revitalise and protect all surface types.
All types of water-based paints including those with a sanitising and whitening action, enamel paints, varnishes, wood primers and rustproofing treatments for iron, to add colour, revitalise and protect all surface types.
The company was established by Commendatore Boldrini in Cicognara in 1945 and is now in its third generation.
We make products that guarantee excellent results in application and finish for professionals.
©2022 All rights reserved - Pennelli Cinghiale s.r.l. - Cicognara (MN) - Italy - P. IVA e C.F. 02574400202 - Capitale Sociale € 172.000 i.v. - R.E.A. MN 263627